Dr. Michael Aronowitz is a psychologist practicing on the Big Island of Hawaii. His passion is helping others to discover their authentic self, find their deepest wellsprings of inspiration and creativity, and live joyfully. He has been practicing psychology for thirty years, and has helped thousands of clients discover their creative, actualized selves.
Michael received his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, and did his post-doctoral fellowship at Children's Hospital, San Francisco. He received the National Institute of Mental Health Clinical Training Award twice, as well as numerous other awards. Michael has been a longstanding member of the San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group. Michael's own research has been published in the scientific literature such as The International Migration Review and Children's Environments Quarterly. He also edited and contributed to Russell Miller's acclaimed best-selling book Supergrowth.
Michael does individual consulting and public speaking in his home state of Hawaii. Clients have included inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, businesses, engineers, authors, physicians, lawyers, painters, astronomers, and sculptors, among others.
Originally from South Africa, Michael and his wife Vivienne raised their daughter Julie in California and now live on the Big Island. Michael loves to create dream poetry and children's stories, swim in the ocean, dance on the beach, and fly in lucid dreams.